Just In
for A Burden Too Great To Bear

9/18/2016 c8 26The Phantom Dragon
Lief is a dumbass, I think we can all agree on that.
9/18/2016 c7 The Phantom Dragon
*nearly dies imagining Lief as homunculi* The lil' punk would never make a good baddy.
9/18/2016 c5 The Phantom Dragon
Lief, the point of having a premonition is so you can bloody figure out a way to prepare for it. Like say, oh, HAVING DOOM OR BARDA HANG WITH YOU TILL THE EVEN HAPPENS! You know, perhaps give you a better chance of winning?
1/3/2014 c8 Kale
The epilogue was nice and ended with a good sentiment, the story was fulfilling and enjoyable... HOWEVER. this epilogue could have waited a whole nother chapter, because there was never the moment where lief dropped the question or even told her he loved her, unless this was intended, it would have added more satisfaction to the fanfic :). ps. loved all ur explanations to the Disclaimer :P
1/3/2014 c7 Kale
Glad to see him live, and also glad to see he didnt just get up an walk away :P, but at least he can finally tell jas XD. nice story, w8ing to read next chap... :)
1/3/2014 c6 Kale
aaaand the cliffhanger, the next chapter is either him waking or his funeral... im about to find out... (gulp)
1/3/2014 c4 Kale
Cute, so captivated i went to the enxt chapet without thinking, it is good, i don't really mind what you do to lief :P, As long as jas and him get 2getha b4 he dies im alright XD
1/3/2014 c3 kale
Dun dun DUUUUUN, ok that was good :p. reading next chapter, knew she'd come in eventually :), very nice writing mate.
1/3/2014 c2 Kale
one more chapter... i swear... ok fine, i can wait... its amazing an captivating, Frightened for lief and jas :p this is a great fanfic, but you should be writing proper books, that entrance was just like ...; BOOM MOTHERFKER... yea thats bout it.
1/3/2014 c1 Kale
... that opening was amazing... and frightful... im hooked, tell you my thougths next chapter... cant wait.
10/28/2012 c8 3oddfan47
Oh man such a twisted ending. Loved it but felt so depressed like on the movie how to train your dragon. But other than hat AWESOME STORY! *-*
10/28/2012 c2 oddfan47
Got to love those touchy moments with Leif and Jasmine -
7/29/2012 c8 Alyssa
SUPERB! :) 3
1/9/2012 c8 brodood
I think this is a very nice story and i understand y u wana turn lief into a humonkulii love full meatle alchemist and i had a dream about it once haha funy story (looks around the room a little embarassed) aneywho i think you hafe a great carer ahead of you i will talk about it whith my seperiers ps i work for schoolastic byby luv ya all xoxo;p.
11/30/2010 c8 1Dream Imaginator
I think I remember reading the beginning of this some time ago, but I never got to see you update it. I'm so glad you decided to end the story. The ending was done well, with just enough tragedy in it to make it more realistic, but a happy enough ending to make the reader feel satisfied. Keep writing!
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