Just In
for Tremble

8/24/2007 c1 11Adelaide MacGregor
Very well written.
5/14/2007 c1 26Lor'sEvilRumour
aw that was nice... good one;)
4/21/2007 c1 2Amaranth-Malfoy
This is like a snippet of something more. But it's so detailed I don't think I would have the patience to read that something more. The flow is excellent, and the format is brillant. But it doesn't have any substanance, just purely because it has no plot, setting, background etc etc which I realise is intentional. Its just a lone paiting that looks like it belongs in an art gallery.
3/4/2007 c1 2PotterSnitch7
okay, i have some constructive criticism:

having just been browsing through ron/hermione one-shots, i saw this and thought it looked interesting, so i clicked on it. it was short, cute, sweet and well-written. however, the excessive author's notes at the end kind of took away from the plot. it wasn't that long to begin with, and it turned out that half of it was a teaser for another story.

my advice: save the teasers for your profile.
3/2/2007 c1 com
THATS SO GOOD!i want more! lol keep it going ! :)
3/1/2007 c1 4ChellChellSEA
Sounds great so far and I( can't wait to find out what happens next.
3/1/2007 c1 7Love-Peace-Or else
I really liked this.

Not only was it well written but it captured Ron and Hermiones relationship quite well.

That is something most authors on here (as far as I can tell anyway) have a hard time doing.

Great job!
3/1/2007 c1 connieewing
wow that was good!

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