Just In
for guaranteed to blow your mind

8/24/2019 c1 gengericusername009
I WAS IN _tears_ from laughing so much. I could totally see how canon!Derek turned out how he did if this had been canon!Laura personality that raised him.

I love this! Its probably my favorite you’ve written so far.
1/28/2014 c1 3WatchingCat
Holy shit. Wow. Words escape me. This story was... Wow. My heart is clenched from all the feelings induced from your story. Great job. Laura is such a bamf.
10/30/2012 c1 18Insomniac Owl
I feel like reading this would have been less intimidating if it had been broken up into two, maybe three sections, but. It is the most complete and realistic and compelling version of Laura after that massacre that I've read. Loved it.

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