Just In
for Rituals

7/30/2014 c1 13desperatelyobvious
I must say, this is one of the most intriguing M-rated stories I've ever read. Most people pass off smut as love, lust, etc. but in this you were able to incorporate a ritual that sounds very much realistic. I've taken up the study of eroticism in Greek and Balkan belief and ancestry so it makes perfect sense for a tribe such as the Water tribe to participate in rituals and beliefs like these. Especially from the portrayal in the show itself, the people from the Water tribe are very ceremonial and ritualistic people, the act itself done out of pure belief with no malice. Not even questioned or frowned upon. Great job on this one!
11/26/2013 c1 lovekills159357
um sexy
2/26/2013 c1 sakR9

Well I guess that's one way to communicate to the Spirit World; they like a good show
12/29/2012 c1 8JoPoGirlsKickAss
Amazing, I actually have a scene similar to this in a story thats been long in the works, you've do wonderfully and whenever I publish mine, which won't be for quite awhile I would happily note your story (If you don't mind that is). I've always picture such erotic and animalistic celebrations for the Southern Watertribe so to find someone else with a similar idea is great. I throughly enjoyed this, again wonderfully written and well done.
12/27/2012 c1 44SoaringHellButterfly
Whoa... Hot... I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would, my imagination went a little too wild with this one... It's very well done! I commend you for it, very great work. My only complaint is that there isn't more. :)
11/16/2012 c1 Guest
I don't get the last part what happend to Korra
7/17/2012 c1 40SweettFace
I've never read anything like that before...whoa...
Very creative? I guess I could say.
Very good?
I can't review things like this without sounding like a perv and when I try not to, my reviews end up looking like this. ;/
I really liked it though.
Very well written...?... :)
7/9/2012 c1 Guest
Ugghhh, you're so talented! I love this!
7/6/2012 c1 poopooparoo
This was very intriguing and I loved it. You are a really good writer.
7/3/2012 c1 gomncan
:D I love this story. I love anything that has to do with an alternate water tribe, and that they have rituals that connect people to the spirit realm and with their soul mates. I love how the spirits guided Mako because he belongs with Korra and how he had no control over himself when he saw her dancing. And now they are connected with help from the spirits. Yep, I like it.
6/30/2012 c1 Guest
This was a good story! Was kinda confused 1st but then I started 2 understand wat wuz goin on as the story went on. Can't wait 4 more! :)
6/23/2012 c1 12She.Drowned.In.Venom
As a writer and an anthropologist, I want to thank you for this piece. Thank you for the respectful and honest way you've presented this sort of ritualistic orgy. Too many westerners see them as debauchery and proof of the lack of civilization on the part of native peoples. Thank you for showing what they were always meant to be. Thank you.
6/21/2012 c1 9Miggyrow
My favorite Makorra story so far! It's original! Well-written! Good job!
6/4/2012 c1 IntegralGirl
Oh my god. I have never left such a worthless review before, but in my defense, I don't think I've ever read anything so devastatingly erotic. This actually made me hear a drum beat. Spirits, you're good!
6/4/2012 c1 IntegralGirl
Oh my god. I have never left such a worthless review before, but in my defense, I don't think I've ever read anything so devastatingly erotic. This actually made me hear a drum beat. Spirits, you're good!
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