Just In
for Captain, My Captain

2/10/2013 c1 Guest
Alright I'm hooked! Update soon
5/15/2012 c1 Kyokoei
This is cooooooool You need to update! I love treasure planet!
5/15/2012 c1 Persy
You should totally update this.
4/27/2012 c1 2Nairad
AUGHHHHHHHHH! I have never been one to like cliffhangers, and this one frustrated me to no end!AHHHHHHHHHHHH! One of the best first chapters I've ever read, and it ends in a cliffhanger with no chapter after it!
4/26/2012 c1 Sara
Holyshitakemushrooms! I lovez it! You totally need to write more!
4/26/2012 c1 Sara
Holyshitakemushrooms! I lovez it! You totally need to write more!
4/23/2012 c1 44WritersWayOfLife
I love the idea and I hope you keep going and keep true to the story!


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