Just In
for No Direction

9/9/2014 c1 foxfairie
11/6/2013 c1 10Aguilita
This was really good, though I do not know who many of the characters are...
Maybe you should try to make the story more in smaller paragraphs, yeah?
7/30/2012 c1 11cinnadani
Awww its so cuute *heart bubble*
7/3/2012 c1 32Jamzee Strider

5/6/2012 c1 9PyroKitty24
This was adorable~ I just kind of want to hug them both. I can see this turning into something bigger. Maybe one day you'll feel inspired to do so~ In the meantime, it can be adorable like this.
5/6/2012 c1 Bella Pilgrim
This is cute :)
5/6/2012 c1 JupiterRetipuj
I LOVE IT! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART! and you should thank me for my efforts other than making me sound like such and evil person! :o( /3 (Love you) Chu~

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