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for Rumor Has It

3/29/2020 c10 Guest
Hi. I know you stopped this a long time ago... I just want you to know that this is my favorite fanfic. AMD I desperately want reconciliation between my favorite ship. Keep going.
3/7/2015 c10 Guest
Please update soon, I love this story!
1/27/2015 c10 Nutellabroetchen007
Soo...I know this is like 30 days late and all, but I read this chapter the day you uploaded it! And I do love this story! Pleeeease write another chapter! I can't stand it if a story this awesome goes unfinished... Please? :D
12/28/2014 c10 Guest
Please continue updating. I would love to see this story finished.
6/1/2014 c9 1Musical Dream
This is the biggest cliffhanger in the story and you decided to stop writing... Why do authors always do that! Your story is awesome. The characters are a little OOC but other than that I like it. Not a good time to brag but I knew Jaq-whatever was bad. It helps that you mentioned Natasha saw a female figure before being knocked unconscious. A cliched but not too overused plot. Especially since you made it seem as if that person was totally innocent. I had doubts thought when Clint mentioned Fury had already done a background check on her. It seems weird that SHIELD hadn't been able to dig up any dirt...
5/12/2014 c9 Nutellabroetchen007
I never left a review before, so sorry if i say/write something weird.

I just wanted to let you know that i really love your story and can you please continue it? I know its been a long time since you updated but i just found your story and read it in literally one read.
Please? Cause i feel like i really need to know how this story will end, its just so good!
4/11/2014 c9 4Ukchana
Ooh, I guess Shield background checks aren't as thorough as they used to be!

I really love your story; Everyone is in character and I like how at the end, you threw in the twist. I am curious how you'll explain her infiltrating them two months prior, and if this was planned from the beginning by HYDRA or if it's just the beginning of a larger, over-arching plan.

Hope you feel better and get your muse back, I'm really enjoying this!
3/11/2014 c2 Guest
nice one
8/5/2013 c9 7Zalini
Really nice story you have going here. I'm new to this pair but you have made them believable and interesting. Well written in a wonderful story so far. I know it's not always easy but please continue.
8/1/2013 c9 the perks of being tonks
7/30/2013 c9 avengingwolves
whoah plot twist! please write more! loved it!
7/29/2013 c9 Rachael Swiftie
Ooooh... keep going...
7/29/2013 c9 10AlienTourist
I'm so nervous now! As much as I support the Black Widow on her rampage, I really hope Clint is okay. Thanks for updating!
7/29/2013 c9 19AndurilofTolkien
like this
7/29/2013 c9 4clintashavenersdoctorwhofun52
I knew Jacqueline was up to something.
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