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10/12/2020 c1 luvnanofate
So Rei has set with a dead guy (geez that is just so sick) and gets pregnant with a dead guy's supermarket, now how does that work? Right, it doesn't, its nonsensical. And Minako just happens to want to pay and raise this dead guy's child from dead sperm. My breakfast is going to start coming up. Rei is always blaming everybody else because she is to scared to express her emotions, well too bad, that's life baby! This story is way AU and OOC and you should make those notations in your summary so readers are forewarned that the characters act far out of character. Even forgetting the OOC aspect, when Minako is upset that he is there, that is a very normal rea c tion, but later on we only hear what Rei says of Minako which makes no sense with her prior reaction. Rei is acting extremely strange, blaming Minako for gthe distance between them not taking any responsibility of her own, first problem, and then runs off the screw a dead guy who on numerous occasions killed many humans as well as senshi (in SilMil) cause she feels some kind of weird pity Nurumberg-like syndrome. None of this story. A
5/19/2013 c1 Malevolent Dark Reflection
That was so beautiful. I shed a few tears after reading that ending, well maybe more than a few. I came into this story expecting one thing, and coming out of it with something completely different but so much better. This was soooooo bittersweet. Well done!
4/17/2013 c1 12aj23701
Oh my Goddess this was beautiful. Please write more!
1/9/2013 c1 21Jedi Caro
Whaaaat! This turned out different lol interesting btw and good :)
1/8/2013 c1 1ernatoddisles
wow wonderfull
1/7/2013 c1 2UnwrittenOpus

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