Over the course of the next month several things had happened at the institute. Tabitha aka 'boom-boom' left the school and joined the brotherhood, after an incident with her father trying to get her to help him rob a place.

Jeans powers had also gone through a huge burst in strength make it difficult to keep out other people's thoughts. Ironically the only place where she could relax was with the person she hated most Emma, as she could stop Jean from getting into her head. Her powers went crazy nearly destroying the mansion in the process. In the end it was a combination of Rogue absorbing some of her powers with Scott talking her down. But once she woke up she found that she had new strength with her powers like she never had before.

Currently the professor had to go make sure that juggernauts prison was secure and with Logan and Storm going away on personal matters they left Scott, Jean and Emma in charge. But the younger x-men were planning a party inviting most of the school. So they came up with a plan to deal with Scott, Emma and Jean. It was Kurt who came up with the idea convincing Scott and Emma to go on a date and Duncan to ask Jean out on one. It was easy as they did not have to worry about curfew so they were likely to miss the party and never even know it had happened in the first place. Telling Duncan to take Jean to a 2 and half hour movie by claiming she was dying to see it, while hoping that Emma's date with Scott lasted late.

As Emma and Scott walked around town Emma smiled she knew all about the party but this was a chance for her and Scott to be alone so she pretended not to and helped convince Scott to show her around town. She was hoping to get him interested in her as more than friends but Jean Gray once more got in the way. How she managed to have such a hold on him despite the fact that she ignores him and dates someone who constantly belittles him, she did not know. Hell why she dated that idiot instead of someone like Scott confused her. But oh well Jean's lose was her gain.

Meanwhile back at the mansion the party was in full swing everyone was having a blast.

Mystique was in the middle of a conversation with Rogue when she saw her target walk by. Excusing herself she got the fool who called himself Arcade and dragged him down to the basement telling him all about the supercomputer down there that he could mess around with if he gave her some info from the computer easily getting the info she left the room while making up an excuse to leave.

Rogue had been looking around for Ritzy when her watch started to beep looking down she saw it was the alarm for the basement. Thinking that some of the party goers snuck out to go make out she went down there to scare them of but when she got down there she saw the danger room was on and she could not get in running back upstairs to grab the others they all snuck down looking around for away until finally Kurt teleported in to try and just it off after a few moments they heard something hit the floor. Kitty then phased through the door to see what was going on as she entered she saw Kurt knocked out on the ground backing out she told the others this before grabbing both Spyke and Rogue. Phasing back into the room only to be fired at as soon as they entered they dived to side from there Rogue took control "Kitty you grab Kurt and get him out of here Spyke you cover her ok."

"Got it but what are you doing?" Spyke asked.

"I'm going to draw their fire." Flying up she started punching the machines apart.

Meanwhile Arcade was freaking out about how cool the game was as the x-men ran around the danger room. "This is amazing and the new characters awesome." he said amazed out how realistic the game was. He smirked when he saw the character named Shadowcat get knocked out '2 down 2 to go' he thought with a grin. Seeing Rogue flying around easily destroying the machines he decided to up the ante and raised the floor while adding several giant metal spheres to crush them.

Rogue had just finished the machines when suddenly the center floor shifted up with the sides dropping down. Looking around expecting more guns to pop out and fire at them when she heard rumbling looking to both sides she saw 2 giant spheres rolling at them. Grabbing Kurt and throwing him around her shoulders she ran to Spyke "Come on get up." she said slapping his face.

"Aww man, my head," he exclaimed looking around he saw Kurt out cold over Rogue's shoulder with Kitty next to him in the same state then he turned slightly and saw the spheres rolling towards them. "Rogue behind us can you stop them?" he asked slightly panicked.

"And in front of us." She said with slight sarcasm before responding to his question "and no my max weight it 20 tons these weigh about twice that." As they waited for the spheres to crush them Nightcrawler woke up shaking his head he looked around noticing their situation he called out "grab on." He waited a second for Spyke to grab Shadowcat before teleporting out just as the spheres barred down on them.

In Cerebro Arcade was annoyed that he let them get away at least before an alarm sound. "Security breach, security breach activating Defcon 4." Upon hearing this he smiled 'Defcon four awesome.'

Mystique was sneaking around trying to find if Charles was hiding anything else. As she walked through the door an alarm sound before closing the door behind her. she ran up to the and started banging on the door to try and get out. A security feature activated sensing someone in the room. attacking Mystique and hitting her she went flying into a pillar falling unconscious in the process. After being knocked out she reverted to her true form a blue skinned woman with crimson hair and yellow eyes.

Outside the mansion Emma, Scott and Jean had just shown up hearing the music and seeing all the cars it did not take a detective to figure out what was going on. "I wondered why they had me show Emma around town tonight. 'Haven't had a chance to' my ass." Scott said annoyed he would fall for such an obvious ploy.

"That explains why Duncan took me to see Dusk. They were trying to keep us out of the mansion."

"Well it seems that while we were away the x-children decided to play." Stated Emma acting as if she hadn't know about the party.

"To bad parties over, those guys are so much-" Scott began before noticing the mansion entering lockdown. "What the hell none of them have the clearance to do this?" Scott asked not noticing the turret rise up behind him hearing the turret turn towards him he jumped out of the way at the last second.

As several more turrets popped out of the ground Emma transformed in to her diamond state to protect herself. Slicing through the nearest turret she ducked as she saw she rip one of them out of the ground.

"Something's wrong we need to get inside." Jean called out blocking several shots from the turrets.

"We can get in through the hanger doors, let's go." Dashing to the edge of the cliff they jumped off with Jean catching them as they fell.

Mystique was waking up after being knocked into a pillar waking up when she saw a red blast tear through the doors. Hiding behind a pillar she saw that it was 3 of Xavier's brats pressing herself up against the pillar as they passed she picked up the disk with the information she needed on it before running out the way they came in.

Arcade looked at the screen showing the x-men running through the lower floors, "Let's see how you do against Arcade's hallway of doom." He cackled turning up the difficulty.

As Shadowcat, Rogue, Spyke and Night crawler ran through the hallway three metal arms popped out of the wall before lighting on fire. Turning to run the other way the made it halfway down the hall before the same thing happened to that end. Waiting for the fire to burn them to cinders Nightcrawler grabbed Rogue and teleported away while Shadowcat took Spyke's hand and jumped through the nearest wall.

Running through the lower floors Scott blasted another robot to pieces "why are there so many of these things?" he asked annoyed as even more robots enter the hallway blasting them to pieces they turned towards the door that led to the control room. Jean forced the door open with her telekinesis as it opened to two more turrets popped out Scott blasted one while Emma sliced through the other.

"Who's doing this?" Jean asked landing in front of the nearest computer.

"It's like the whole place is locked down for some sort of invasion." Scott said walking up to the computer.

"I can't get in I'm looked out all controls have been rerouted to one room, Cerebro." Walking up to the the main computer Scott quickly punched in several keys before an image of the Cerebro room showed up.

"Who is that?" Emma asked seeing a teenager standing at the console for Cerebro.

"No idea," Scott responded before entering in a few more keys the camera turned to the front of the console and zoomed in. "I think it's one of Kitty's friends."

"Yeah he likes to call himself Arcade." Kitty answered rising out of the floor "he's a computer game nut."

Jean crossed her arms. "obviously another party guest?" she said glaring at them.

"Yeah but I have no idea how he got into Cerebro." She defended herself refusing to look them in the eye.

"We will worry about that later let's just get him out of there." Scott interrupted worried about how much damage he could do in there.

"Come on where are you?" Arcade asked looking through the camera's before stopping one and seeing x-men standing around looking at a computer screen with him on it. "Whoa you're looking at me. That is so cool." Waving to the camera he pushed several buttons "Here is a little feedback hello."

Seeing him waving at them Kurt pointed the screen "he's seen us." Right before the whole room started shocking them running out of the room another turret rose out of the ground only fire Spyke to fire several spikes at it. Seeing an orb follow them out Scott blasted it to pieces.

"Man these players are good." Arcade said seeing the camera get destroyed.

"You don't know how good." Rogue said as Kurt teleported them in behind him. Placing a hand on his neck she absorbed him knocking him unconscious. Rogue smiled at seeing her powers only work when she wanted them to. She still had problems with them when she was excited but otherwise she was good.

"Thanks guys' great party." Shout the last of the party goers as they left.

"Yeah shame we missed it. said Evan disappointed that they missed the party.

"I can't believe they ate every last crumb of food while we were fighting for our lives." Kurt bemoaned holding an empty plate.

"And now we get to clean up after them." kitty complained walking back inside.

"Oh don't be mad guys," said Arcade as he held his head in his hands. "I'm sorry."

"You want to tell us what you were doing in there?" Scott asked with his arms crossed glaring down at him.

"Could resist such an awesome mainframe and the game was amazing." He said still in awe at the how great the game was.

"Wait are you saying th-" Rogue began before the Professor stopped her 'he knows nothing more, he thinks it was all a computer game.' Rolling into the room the Professor spoke out loud. "The taxi is outside waiting to take you home young man."

As the he left the room Scott spoke up "I'm sorry professor I take the blame for this."

Putting his hands together the Professor spoke "I think there is plenty of blame to go around but what worries me is our mystery guest who led him down there. Whoever it was I can only hope they did not find what they were looking for."

A month later Harry was battling in the streets of New York "Any idea what these things are?" Hawkeye asked firing several arrows at one of the creatures attacking them.

"Their demons from the realm of Dormammu." Harry answered before freezing a dozen demons.

"Can you send them back?" Ironman asked firing several repulsor blasts at them.

"Do you have 6 hours for us to make a spell," Wanda asked "because we are going to need twice that time to do that."

As a crack appeared in the air and another hundred demons appeared they prepared themselves for battle but before they could do anything a huge blast of magic came from the sky destroying them, looking to the 2 magic users they shrugged "Wasn't us." Harry said looking at Wanda but she shook her head wasn't her either.

"It was me," looking up they saw a man dressed in ornate but practical clothing descend from the sky. "I am Doctor Steven Strange earth's sorcerer supreme and" but he was interrupted by Wanda.

"Then why did this happen? Isn't your job to stop Dormammu from getting into this dimension?" Wanda asked with a harsh glare.

"Wanda" Harry scolded not believing how she was acting.

"No, she is right. This is my fault after my last battle against Dormammu I had assumed I would not hear from him again for years as it was with the ancient one." He said with self-disgust because of his arrogance hundreds had died. "But while I can stop him from tearing his way into this dimension I will be defenseless while I do so."

"So you need us to defend you." Tony concluded realizing where he was going with this.

"Yes, I need your help."

"Alright then, where are we going?" asked Hawkeye.

"To the where he is breaking free Times Square." The sorcerer supreme stated before teleporting them all there. As soon as they arrived they were besieged on all sides by demons blasting them back Strange did not waste a single second beginning to chant in front of the large portal as large as the Times Square big screen.

Harry looked around and saw they were surrounded on all sides. Before he could say or do anything captain America started speaking giving out orders "Tony you me and Hawkeye will cover the north Thor you, Hulk, and Black Panther cover the East Black Widow you, Wasp and Antman cover the West. Harry, Wanda you two get the south do not let a single demon through" he commanded hitting the demon with his shield. Breaking off each went to go cover the area Harry charged up a magical blast taking out several demons at once but before he could recover one jumped him. Smacking it with his staff he continued to fight but it seemed for every ten he took out a hundred more to their place.

Wanda was having a blast after Kurt broke up with her she was angry about what he said not accepting her feelings. How stupid was that she never lied to herself she gained nothing from it. While she was not mad at him anymore she did still hate the fact that she missed a chance to take her father out all because she was avoiding the institute. This was a perfect opportunity for her to let loose and let off some steam. Blasting another group of demons she smiled she loved her job.

Thor and Hulk seemed to share that sentiment with her as they had ferocious grins on their faces as they tore the hell spawns to pieces. Laughing Hulk picked up a nearby car and slammed it into a large demon.

Black Panther rolled his eyes at his partners' actions this was a job not a party. They should focus more on the battle and less on having fun. Slicing through several demons he smirked but he could see why they were enjoying this.

Hawkeye was attacking several demons when he felt the urge to ask something that had been bothering him for a while. "Any idea how these other dimensional threats always know the most iconic area to come in from?"

it was Wanda who answered him "They let their ego's guide them."

he seemed to consider that for a moment. "Fair enough" He shrugged.

As Ironman fired at a horde of demons annihilating them he saw one of the demons destroy a shop "Son of bitch that was my favorite coffee shop." He complained.

Over the communicator Captain America scolded him "Language" before hitting a few more creatures.

Stopping Harry spoke over his com, "Did you just say language?" he asked laughing.

"It slipped out." He tried to excuse himself before a roar was heard looking they saw it was a demon larger than the rest.

"I got it." called Harry attacking the beast.

"Just remember to watch your language." spoke Wasp with amusement in her voice.

The captain sighed "That's not going away anytime soon is it?" The man out of time asked slumping slightly.


"Not a chance"

"Not happening"


"We will hold this over you for years." came from the rest of the avengers.

"Thought so" he sighed before jumping back into battle.

Harry was actually have trouble with this new creature as it healed just as fast as he could hurt it having enough he sent a blast of ice at it freezing it in place. Turning away he heard ice cracking he rolled his eyes before sending a semi into it shattering it. 'Who says violence doesn't solve your problems.' The young mutant thought.

As Dr. Strange was finishing up the ritual he heard Dormammu roar "If I will be imprisoned then you shall suffer as well." With one last burst of power he opened several portals all over the city. Feeling this Strange paled 'I can't close those on my own.' He thought, sealing away Dormammu had drained him of too much energy. Noticing the 2 youngest avengers he smiled perhaps he would not have to.

The avengers were currently cheering over finishing the demons "I can't wait to go home and sleep." Harry cheered.

"Our battle is not yet done young sorcerer." Spoke Steven Strange walking up to them. "It seems before he was defeated Dormammu opened up several tears in reality." He warned them.

"But can't you deal with that?" Harry asked after all a sorcerer supreme ran into those all the time it was what most of their job consisted of.

"Normally yes, but I am drained from sealing Dormammu it seems he knew I would not be able to seal them all." He told them solemnly.

"So what do we do?" asked Hawkeye.

"You do nothing." He said before looking at the 2 youngest avengers. "You 2 on the other hand will be able to help me."

"What can we do we don't know how to seal a rift?" Wanda asked.

"I will teach you." told them.

But Harry interrupted him "not that I'm not excited to be taught by the most powerful magic user on earth, but how are we supposed to learn that in 5 minutes?" pointing out the reason they could not help was the same reason he could not just wait to recharge, time.

"I will show you how and give you something aid you." Waving his hands he summoned 3 gems one he put on Wanda's bracelet the other 2 he put in the eyes of Harry's staff. Lifting off into the air he waited for them to follow before going to the nearest tear invoking his magic he spoke "KUNUKKUMANNDIMTU" he spoke slowly and just as slow in sealing the rift so that the children could feel how he did it. It was actually surprisingly you use your magic like a needle to sew the hole shut then you use your magic to burn the hole, stopping anything from getting through and while this was a poor way to seal a rip. It was the way beginners learned to do it and normally nothing would try to get through long enough for it to seal properly.

Going off to the next rift he trusted the 2 of them to seal their rifts.

Harry and Wanda agreed that they would each take 2 rifts and who ever finished first would get the last one. As Harry sealed the first rift he noticed the eyes of his staff glowing he smirks 'that's handy.'

The next rift was same nothing there and was easily sealed. Heading to the last one he smirked as he got there first. Prepping the spell to seal the rift he saw Wanda show up "little late to the party Wanda I don't need your help." He told her before a hand popped out of the rift and smacked him to the side getting up he saw a extremely large demon claw its way through the tear. Sending a blast of magic at the creature only to see it did nothing. Looking to Wanda and seeing her stand there he asked "aren't you going to help?"

"I thought you didn't need my help?" she asked mockingly.

"Fine then don't help I can do this on my own." He said pride damaged.

Several minutes of nothing working on it, he finally yanked a billboard down crushing it. "See, told you I did not need your help." He said looking smug, if a little worse for wear, before hearing something shift behind him turning around he groaned.

It was half an hour later they finally managed to close the portal and beat the beast. When they got home was sitting in a chair waiting for them. Hearing them enter he looked up and raised an eyebrow, Harry looked like he had been thrown through the blender while Wanda looked like she just got out of the salon. "What happened to you?" Strange asked curious to what happened.

"I don't want to talk about it." he groaned collapsing on the couch.

Looking towards Wanda she answered the unasked question. "Harry here was trying to prove that he did not need my help." She said before being interrupted by the person mentioned.

"Which I did not need." he defended.

"Yes, but you look terrible Harry" she said barely able to contain her laughter.

"Well as amusing as this is, I believe we have business to discuss." He told them.

"We do?" Harry asked his face still buried in the couch.

"Well yes, you see after Baron Mordo found out I was selected to be the next Sorcerer Supreme he was furious. So much so that Baron Mordo decided to prove he was better by doing what the ancient one could not kill Dormammu but Baron Mordo was instead seduced by him into becoming his servant and setting him free. In doing so Dormammu empowered him and together they attacked the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Ancient One killing him and almost all the people there in the process. Only I and my assistant Wong survived because of this there are no more apprentices at the sanctorum. But I wish to help teach the next generation. So I ask you would you like to become my apprentices?"

Harry sat up from where he was laying down and was about to accept when a thought accrued to him. "What about the avengers? We are on the team we can't just leave." Wanda suddenly did not look so excited.

"Don't worry; I cannot spend all my time training you as I myself have duties to attend to. We shall work out a schedule for you to be trained. If you accept that is?" The former doctor finished with a question.

Looking at each other they had a silent conversation before turning back to him and at once they spoke "Sure"

He smiled "good." As he turned to leave he stopped hear Wanda call out his name.

"Wait, do you know a man named Charles Xavier?" Wanda asked.

"Yes why?"

"It's nothing he just mentioned knowing you before." She said told him.

"Well then I must be off." With that he vanished.

this chapter is shorter than the rest because fuck you! that's why!

just kidding really it is because i did not want to add useless padding and make it go for longer than it should.