Always Working by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Amos concentrated on several papers before he organized them.
K, English, Family, words: 107, 18h
Maybe Together by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Kara decided to wait for Reverend Howell by the stairs. She frowned after they were approached. Maybe he forgot that they were going to run errands in Metropolis. Maybe he didn't remember unity after all.
K, English, Family, words: 109, 18h
Protect Civilians by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Gentleman Ghost materialized near a handful of people as they waited for one Metropolis store to open. His top hat was removed before he gave a slight bow. Their wide eyes never bothered Gentleman Ghost.
K+, English, words: 107, 18h
Hurting by IvyValentine1
Drabble. It was the anniversary of the evening when Unity left Reverend Amos Howell behind. When Unity decided that he had plenty of others obeying his orders. Pure unity. When Unity chose to replace Reverend Amos Howell and decided that the latter was useless.
K+, English, words: 109, 18h
After Chicken by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Amos Howell proceeded to smile after he ate a bit of fried chicken skin.
K, English, Family, words: 107, 18h
The Moon's Light by IvyValentine1
Drabble. The full moon was viewed prior to a small creature standing by the kitchen.
K, English, words: 107, 18h
Remain and Recognize by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Amos Howell nodded as soon as a cashier gave one bag to him. After he opened the shop door, he went outside and looked around. Reverend Howell faced Supergirl as she stood near him and frowned. His eyes were a bit wide for more than a handful of moments.
K+, English, words: 109, 18h
Rare Villains by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Howell never said anything while Gentleman Ghost floated to the store rooftop with several valuables in his arms.
K+, English, words: 109, 18h
Never Speculate by IvyValentine1
Drabble. The animal faced Reverend Amos Howell and Supergirl. It watched as Reverend Howell glowered and placed his arm near her.
K+, English, Family, words: 108, 18h
It's After Midnight by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Amos Howell finished eating a slice of chocolate cake and smiled before his eyes widened from Supergirl walking to one door. He viewed her turning to him.
K, English, words: 110, 18h
Sunday Evening by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Howell walked to one restaurant and viewed the window. Absolute darkness.
K+, English, words: 109, 2/16
Broccoli Sauce by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Howell looked back and frowned after his eyes were on the empty restaurants. There weren't any signs of unity within them. Reverend Howell always enjoyed viewing others standing together. Smiles from others.
K+, English, words: 108, 2/16
Window Menus by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Amos Howell walked to a Metropolis restaurant window from curiosity. A bit of hunger. He started to squint and examine the window menus.
K, English, words: 110, 2/16
Chocolate Mousse by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Howell refused to remember anything negative. He wasn't going to recall his master becoming one with him in Smallville.
K+, English, words: 109, 2/16
One Cheeseburger by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Squinting, Reverend Amos Howell watched as a few people opened one restaurant door and departed from the building. His eyes were on cheeseburgers that they held and ate at the same time.
K, English, words: 107, 2/16
The Fudge Cakes by IvyValentine1
Drabble. The current plan was to preach about unity near them. Hopefully lead the crowd into his religious tent in Smallville where Unity waited.
K+, English, words: 107, 2/16
The Afternoon Plans by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Amos started to focus on the blue sky while he walked near a few stores in Metropolis.
K, English, words: 109, 2/16
After Others Appear by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Amos Howell started to smile after a small crowd approached him near one shop in Metropolis. One form of unity. Exactly what he searched for. He nodded and addressed everyone. The usual polite tone was used. The usual accent.
K, English, words: 109, 2/16
Admire Shops by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Amos wondered if there were any crooks or officers near him.
K+, English, words: 110, 2/16
About Others by IvyValentine1
Drabble. The men raised their fists to attack Amos.
K+, English, words: 108, 2/16
About Crooks by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Howell viewed the man gathering jewelry. He approached him and smiled.
K+, English, words: 111, 2/16
Into Afternoons by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Reverend Amos Howell glanced at the empty streets every now and then.
K+, English, words: 107, 2/16
1 The Tasks by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Supergirl never replied while she elbowed the creature's back.
K+, English, words: 110, 11/9/2023
1 With Crooks by IvyValentine1
Drabble. Curiosity appeared in Reverend Howell's eyes as soon as Supergirl appeared and flew. He attempted to see above the boxes as he followed the bank robber and Supergirl.
K+, English, words: 110, 11/9/2023
2 Just Friends by Heart of the Demons
An early birthday gift to Kelseyalicia. Superman and Batman's two young partners, one of them being Superman's cousin, must face the consequences of their disastrous first date by talking it over with one another.
K, English, Friendship, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 10/13/2023