Nightlight Continued by Spyder Z
Just a Flash Fiction 'Closing' the first Nightlight comic. I 'may' write a side story about a failed 'Nightlight' as well... but for now this is it. ;P
K, English, Family & Horror, words: 343, 8/7/2015
4Silent Reign by Homestarluver201
A little doodly I wrote while depressed, I guesss. Tycho and Gabe go on a case and only one of them comes back. Second chapter coming soon! :D
T, English, Drama & Tragedy, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, 10/2/2011
3 A Long Awaited Reawakening by Emotistic Optimistic
A despairingly short, considering who wrote it, one-shot about our heroes' unexpected and triumphant reawakening for a third episode of RSPD. triumphant as these two can manage. They tried, at least.
T, English, Supernatural & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 3, 8/28/2011
21 Startling Developments » by Emotistic Optimistic
Tycho Brahe keeps trying his hand at Paranormal Investigation, but fails continuously. John Gabriel was a champion prize fighter, until the devil came to town. Can these two underdogs show New Arcadia that they're not COMPLETE losers? RSPD-verse, pre-Ep.1
T, English, Humor & Supernatural, chapters: 8, words: 22k+, favs: 13, follows: 3, updated: 6/26/2011 published: 8/18/2010
1Moment by Dr. Magana
A simple moment in the life of a family.
K, English, words: 695, favs: 3, follows: 2, 2/14/2011
1 Headache by Homestarluver201
Written to explain In my method the Penny-Arcade comic 'PON PON PATA PON' as seen here: /comic/2008/3/3/ Rated T for blood and murder
T, English, Horror & Crime, words: 690, favs: 1, 12/12/2010